Columbus Club provides numerous learning opportunities within the creative world of Art and Animation, the dramatic world of drama, performance and the Arts, the culinary world of Baking, the athletic world of karate and sports, the challenging worlds of Coding, Science and Engineering.

Summer Camps 2024

Columbus Club provides a choice of nine different and varied Summer Camps every year for students aged (4-12).

  • Camp 1: Arts & Sports Camp (4 & 12 year olds)

  • Camp 2: Multi-Sports & Fitness Camp (5 & 12 year olds)
  • Camp 3: Columbus Baking Camp (Art or Sports in a/n) (5 & 12 year olds)
  • Camp 4: Junior Engineering/Lego/Science Experiments/Chess/Maths Puzzles (5 & 12 year olds)
  • Camp 5: Animation & Art Camp (6 & 12 year olds)

Learning Exploring Developing


We never stop learning. The philosophy underlying the Columbus Club ethos is that children thrive on learning by “doing”, by creating and by trying new opportunities and activities. We foster the sense of wonder and fun which together are key ingredients to life-long learning.


Columbus Club provides a wide range of hands-on activities. Students are encouraged to explore all opportunities and activities. The left hand side of the brain is logic based and the right hand side of the brain fosters creativity and critical thinking. Our activities develop both sides of the brain by boosting up every child’s imagination.


Every child is on their own journey of development when exploring and learning new things. To discover new concepts by “doing” is a wonderful way for children to learn and apply their knowledge to a variety of scenarios.